Information For Authors


1. Manuscripts submitted for publication in Cuadernos Económicos de ICE must be original works not published or under consideration elsewhere.

2. All submissions to the journal are subject to a peer review process. As a result of this process a decision on the manuscript is taken by the Editors.

The Editors can rejected manuscripts without sending it out to an external reviewer if it is considered that they don´t follow the instructions for submissions or they are not relevant for the thematic of the journal.

3. Submissions should be sent to or directly to the editor, María del Carmen Díaz Roldán They can also be sent through the submission online system of Revistas ICE,  for which it is necessary to  register in the website.

4. Manuscript must be submitted in Microsoft Word format and should normally not exceed 30 pages, including tables, figures, notes and references. Text should be double spaced and all pages must be numbered consecutively. Please, use Times New Roman, size 12, for the text font.

5. Tables and figures must be submitted in a separate file. All must be numbered consecutively, and they should have an explicit title or legend above. Also, they must include below the source of the data provided, as well as any explanatory note. For reproduction quality, tables and figures must be submitted in Excel format, also for graphs and charts. Their location should be indicated in the text.

6. Please, include a first page with the title of the paper and end date, the author’s name, surname(s) and affiliation, full mailing address, telephone number and email address. The editorial team will list the designated author for correspondence.

7. The title page of the manuscript should contain the abstract, which must not exceed 100 words. Authors should include two to six keywords and one to five JEL. The title, abstract and keywords will be translated into Spanish. A listing of the JEL codes can be found at 

8. The headings should be the following style:

         1. Heading (first level)

          1.1 Section (second level)

                1.1.1 Subsection (third level)

9. Footnotes should be placed at the end of the same page in size 10, Times New Roman and simple space. They should be numbered consecutively and kept brief as possible.

10. Abbreviations must include their full meaning at the first occurrence.

11. Equations and mathematical expressions will be centered and, where appropriate, the numbering will be in square brackets and aligned to the right.

12. Annexes are to be placed after the references and they must have a title.

13. Use APA style for In-Text citation. For the main guidelines, please follow this link.  

14. The references will be listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order, using the APA Style. Most common examples can be found in this link.

Some common reference examples are also listed below:


Pilling, D. (2019). El delirio del crecimiento. Taurus

e-Book with DOI (or URL)

Nicolleti, B. (2017). The Future of Fintech: Integrating Finance and Technology in Financial Services. Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Demas, M., & Agnew, N. (2013). Conservation and sustainable development of archaeological sites. En I. Rizzo y A. Mignosa, Handbook on the Economics of Cultural Heritage (pp. 326-343). Edward Elgar.

Print journal article

Fernández-Blanco, V., Prieto-Rodríguez, J., & Suárez-Pandiello, J. (2017). A quantitative analysis of reading habits in Spain. International Journal of Arts Management, 19(3), 19-32

Journal article with DOI (or URL)

Amador, J., & Cabral, S. (2017). Networks of Value-added Trade. The World Economy, 40(7), 1265-1512.


International Monetary Fund. (2019). Global Financial Stability Report.


Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre, para la mejora de la calidad educativa. Boletín Oficial del Estado, nº. 295, de 10 de diciembre de 2013, pp. 97858 a 97921.