The innovation capabilities of Spanish regions

Asunción López López
Juan Carlos Salazar Elena
María Paloma Sánchez Muñoz


Published: Jul 2, 2018
##section.pages##: 149-160

The aim of this work is to analyse the spatial behaviour of innovation in Spain in order to explore the regional differences in the use of innovation capabilities in companies and determine, on the basis of such differences, which regional profiles are more efficient in terms of innovation activity results. This information can be useful in the design of innovation policies. The findings confirm the existence of significant differences among regions in the application of certain innovative activities, which also reflect major differences among regions in terms of these innovation activities.


Author Biographies

Asunción López López, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Profesora Titular de Economía Aplicada de la UAM y Subdirectora de la Cátedra UAM-Accenture.

Juan Carlos Salazar Elena, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Profesor Asociado en la UAM y miembro del equipo de investigación de la Cátedra UAM-Accenture.

María Paloma Sánchez Muñoz, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Catedrática de Economía Aplicada de la UAM, Directora de la Cátedra UAM-Accenture y Técnico Comercial del Estado.

innovation, knowledge, absorption capacity, regional development, JEL classification, O13, O16, R11